"Not Small Talk."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Other Boleyn Girl, The Illusionist

There's little I can say about The Other Boleyn Girl that is worth sharing, just a representative observation:

I did not enjoy hearing Mark Rylance (a fine Shakespearean actor, I hear) ask his fictional 16th century wife to "look on the bright side, for once." No one in the 16th century ever would have said anything like that, not in those words. This was, for me, the most painful bit of dialogue in the film, but there were plenty of wooden lines that were nearly as bad.

The Illusionist, however, is a different matter. I wouldn't call this film brilliant by any means, but it did exactly what I wanted it to do: it entertained me without insulting my intelligence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matt, your essays are lyrical and so well written. Keep up the good work as you are being read.